The crew of the Sterke Yerke III environmental raft and the Organization and Foundation want to renovate the Sterke Yerke III MONUMENT, so that the weather in full glory on the north / east coast of Bonaire (Washikemba) points to the place where the night of 14 to 15 December 1979 the raft stranded with crew.
It is intended that there will be an info-board about all the adventures of Sterke Yerke I, II, and III. Talks are planned to set out a tourist route to the Monument, after renovation.
Initiators are Henk van Dam, project leader of the Sterke Yerke III project and Tj. Pasma, coordinator on Bonaire. Frits Riemersma, biologist and crew member Sterke Yerke III, who mapped the pollution and Chris Schweigmann, crew member of all three Sterke Yerke rafts.
If you want to support us in any form, to achieve the renovation goal, please contact
Henk van Dam, coordinator (over-all) E mail:, mobile 06 107 829 26
For Bonaire: Tj.Pasma. E mail “Th Pasma” <>, mobile 06 51 23 77 28.
We call it a ‘Mienskip’s’ project Fryslân-Bonaire in the context of LWD / FRYSLAN CULTURAL CAPITAL 2018.
Lectures on request as information for potential sponsors.
In that year the ‘renovated Monument’ will be re-revealed by a well-known person with a lot of publicity.
If desired, obtain a lot of (film) image / photo material.
Kind regards, Frits, Chris, Tjitze and Henk.